Masonic District C - Hamilton, Ontario
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GLCPOO Approved #03D14
Masonic Foundation
The Masonic FoundationThe Masonic Foundation of Ontario was formed in 1964 by a special Act of the Ontario Legislature to provide the means for using the Craft's financial resources for the benefit of the community at large. It is a public Foundation and is registered with the Canada Revenue Agency.
The objectives of the Foundation set out clearly its charitable nature:
  • To receive, maintain, manage, control and use donations exclusively for charitable purposes within the Province of Ontario;
  • To use its donations for the relief of poverty, the advancement of education, and the advancement of other purposes beneficial to the community; and For the Cause of Good.

For more information please visit the Masonic Foundation home page at:

Our District Charity for 2024/25

For more information please visit

Any donations personal, from a Lodge or the District should be directed to the District Secretary for processing.

© 2024 Copyright Hamilton Masonic District C